Monday, March 2, 2009

Lazy Ol' Tired Me

I've just had the most unreal week and a parents have been here visiting, which means I got to be a tourist in this island paradise I inhabit! I took a full week off, an absolute first...well, I've taken a week off from the biz before, but not when I was staying here and physically COULD HAVE worked! I felt free, but kinda guily and lazy. I learned to live with it, ha!

We went on a snorkel trip on the Quicksilver, the boat I used to work on, which was SO fun. We were about halfway to Molokini, the island where people go to snorkel, when we came upon a competitive group of whales. The captain stopped the boat and we got an hour-plus whale show. There were 7 or 8 males competing for one female (kinda like a bar at closing time) and they were being very aggressive...headbutting, tail slapping, coming up out of the water again and again. It was incredibly cool, my second awesome whale encounter this season...if you haven't read about my other (pretty scary) whale encounter, check my myspace blog!

We also did a ton of other tourist stuff...a luau, magic show, drove to Hana...and my mom got to be part of our store's charity sale, which was unbelievably successful and she had an absolute blast. My dad and I only minorly beefed once, which I then wrote about (and deleted) on here! All is well, I just get out of practice on handling his quirks when I'm not around him for awhile.

I'm back to the grindstone (with an exhaustion-induced head cold), so don't worry, I'll turn back into snarky, bitchy ol' me really soon here!

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