Saturday, March 7, 2009

Because I have so much spare time....

Is Michael Jackson really doing a farewell tour? And are people really screaming hysterically and passing over it?

People got too much free time, that's all I got to say.

Another piece of evidence that people got too much free time: Scrapbooking! Do you even know how hardcore these people are? They throw parties, like Tupperware-style, only with stickers of baby bonnets and birthday cakes and page protectors and little sticky tabby things to attach pictures and acid free this and that and paper in 20,000 acid free colors...for realz y'all. I only know this, of course, because I USED TO BE a scrapper! OH yeah, when I was 16 baby, I scrapped like a fiend. AND THEN I GOT A LIFE. Too much of one, as it turns out, but that's my issue.

Seriously, I think where I must have gone wrong in life is not becoming a stay-at-home wife at an early age. That is what appears to allow one to do stuff like grow herbs and make sun tea and stick little thought bubbles on pictures of people to preserve for all eternity. I don't get, though, how people manage to have kids and still have time for all this stuff. That, I don't get at all. Kids are time-consuming. Plus they cost money. A lot of money, it looks like.

OK, that's it. Time to either shave my legs or watch Chelsea Lately. Guess which one I'm gonna pick? Bah ha ha.

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