Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Any Way You Want It. Really. Any.

We went to the Journey concert last night, which was such a blast...especially considering we don't get that many big shows here, AND JC got a call the day of the show to say, bad news...there's a palm tree right in front of your seats...Ha ha, LOL, JK, we moved you 20 rows forward because of the palm tree! Wah!

OK, so in case you didn't know, the lead singer of Journey is now this little bouncing-off-the -walls Filipino guy who looks like he's 15 and who they found on YouTube (I'm not making that up, Wikipedia it bitches), but he's actually 41 and sounds EXACTLY like Steve Perry, I'm serious, EXACTLY. You would think it's not really him singing, but if it weren't, they would have gotten someone who, no offense to anyone involved, looked more like the other band members, KWIM?

Ha ha. You know what I'm sayin'.

The show rocked, of course it rocked. Honestly, though, the highlight for me happened not on stage, but in the aisle near the end of the show. This older drunk gentleman decided he needed to dance. It started out with him shaking his hips around and doing a few dizzy twirls, and then I think someone made the mistake of catcalling him, and he fully broke it down. Gyrating, hip thrusting, and the finale was him ending up on his knees doing hip rolls with his head back nearly touching the ground! The crowd LOVED it! People on the other side of the fence in the beer garden were having hysterical fits, screaming, reaching out for him, and he was grabbing hands, humbly thanking his fans, while one of the biggest bands in the world played "Don't Stop Believin'" on the stage way behind him! It was truly his moment. God bless him.

So, what did I learn today, at the Journey show? I learned, ok, I learned that no matter how old or young or sexy or not so sexy, if you think you got game, you got game. OK. Now I get to go off to the gym and do a spin class. I, people, do not have game. For the record or whatever.

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