Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Friggin' Sick

AAARRRGGGHHH! Today I actually wanted to go back to work. I mean, I worked our huge charity sale and one other day while my parents were here, but I haven't worked a normal day in forever. I wanted to get some of my routine back.

Yeah, my health had other ideas! At the beginning of the day, I felt like ASS. I thought it would improve as the day wore on...I'm getting over a cold (so I thought) and I usually feel worst in the morning if I'm not 100%.

NOT. Mid-afternoon, I was fading fast (read: dying) and found out my beloved boyfriend HAD THE AFTERNOON off, which he'd neglected to tell me! I threw out an armload of hints that he could finish the day and let me go take a desperately needed coma-style snooze. OH, but how would I get home? We're a one-Expedition family right now (should probably trade it for two teeny cars), so I would have to go home only to drag myself out a couple hours later to get him. Bah!

Luckily, it turned out April, only the world's most fantastic employee, was right around the corner finishing up errands and she showed up to finish the day. I just woke up from a 4-hr nap and I'm sitting here wondering how sick I am...I hate when I feel crummy. I start to think there's something serious wrong and that freaks me all out. I also hate the doctor, so I start weighing odds that I'll have to go and sit on the yucky cold table. The full-body ache is what's got me most concerned. So guess who's going to be COMPLETELY unproductive tomorrow!

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