Tuesday, April 21, 2009

may my every thought and fantasy be public knowledge

Did you ever put away clean laundry only so you'd have a place to put your new (dirty) laundry? Yeah, me too! Having clothes to wear isn't the problem, it's where to put the dirty crap in the meantime!

So the social networking thing has gone completely apeshit out of control, I realize this. I'm putting a cap on it. I've got three things going, OK, technically four, but this is a blog, so it doesn't count, right? Of course I'm right! Apparently Twitter is the hottest thing going, according to a news thing I read today, because we've become so ADHD we can only grasp 140 characters, if that, before we completely lose interest. I know that's true for me, but I thought I was the nutcase exception, not the rule. Whatever.

So my limit is three, technically four. I have Myspace (my gateway drug a few years back), Facebook (UGHGGHHGHhhh), Twitter (ahahahahohkeepgoingokthat'senough), and of course the one I'm not quite counting, this blog on blogspot, where I'm wordier and less inhibited. I figure if you're going to bother to really read, you better be prepared for the reality of swearing and innuendo and such. That's the way I talk in real life, not so much on Facebook where everyone I've known since, I don't know, embryohood reads my every whim and thought. That would explain why I now have my Twitters visible on Facebook AND myspace. Or....ok. Maybe I'm just sleepy.

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