Thursday, April 23, 2009

Light bulbs

Latest retarded exchange between me and my man:

JC: I just put new bulbs in the bathroom.

Me: Yes, I know. I have to freaking wear my sunglasses in there, it's so bright.

JC: It's just because they're brand-new bulbs, so they're extra bright.

Me: That's ridiculous. New bulbs aren't brighter. It's not like they fade out as they get older!

JC: These bulbs do. They're a different kind.

Me: You always do this. You're just rattling off bullshit to see if I'll believe it.

JC: Yeah. That actually is kind of what I was doing. It makes sense, though.

Me: I think it just seems extra bright because we were used to it being like pitch dark in there for months. I mean, we were taking showers and we couldn't even see where our balls were, I was like "Where are my balls?" and I don't even have balls, that's how dark it was.

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