Monday, February 23, 2009

Can I cuss? Just once?

Time I should maybe consider getting off Myspace and get a real blog, so I've been told...

I don't usually do what I'm told, but I figured maybe this time it was worth a shot!

I joined Facebook, and the accountability is killing me! I need somewhere (online, ha) to be me again...on Myspace, when people still logged into Myspace, most of my "friends" were actual FRIENDS currently, people I hang with and who know me as I am today, whereas Facebook is really good about connecting you with people from the days of old...who remember you completely differently than you are! I don't connect much with my upbringing anymore. Yet I find myself making sure my status won't offend someone I went to school with once for six months who now has four toddlers who she home-schools! I mean, it's reached a ridiculous invasive point.

My blogs read very much the way I think, and yes, I swear, both in my blogs and in life! But if you read my blogs or know me, you know I don't disrespect people, at least not intentionally. I poke merciless fun, I ridicule, I stereotype for humor's sake, for sure. I encourage you to do the same to me, and do it often! Life truly ain't that damn serious, and each moment is just that, a tiny moment that shall pass into another more ridiculous moment.

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